Favoritize 2.0 Favoritize adds extra functionality to saving websites as favorites. The dropdown menu contains the following functions: 1. "Name Only" : Saves a webpage to your favorites based on your selected text. 2. "Dated Name" : Same as "Name Only" but will append the current date to the end of the name. 3. "Temp Label" : Same as "Dated Name", but will append the flag "TEMP" to the front of the name. This is useful for pages you know will not be valid long or you will be deleting soon. 4. "All Tabs" : Same as "Name Only" but applies itself to all of the currently open tabs. 5. "All Dated" : Same as "Dated Name" but applies itself to all of the currently open tabs. 6. "All Temp" : Same as "Temp Label" but applies itself to all of the currently open tabs. 7. "Set Length" : Sets the maximum number of characters in favorite name. 8. "Set Host" : Toggles if the host name is added to the favorite name, or not. 9. "Set Prompt" : Toggles if a message of too long name is shown, or not. 10. "Set Auto" : Toggles if favourite description is being auto resized, or not. 11. "Set Quotes" : Toggles if favorite description is being placed in single quotes, or not. 12. "About..." : shows this information If you select some text on the page, the favorite will be named after the text. If nothing on the page is selected, the favorite will be named as the title of the page. If the name is too long (the max length is set by you, default is 60 characters, including date etc.) there will be an option let the plugin autoshorten it or to return to the page to select some other text (applies to the single tab options) respectively to skip adding the tab as a favorite (applies to the all tab options). This option may be turned off. Known issues: - None Created by mdlist and lilgooser